søndag den 26. december 2010

First attempt to acrylic

Hope you all had a warm and lovely Christmas, with friends and family. I had - nice and quiet. We certainly had a white Christmas in Denmark - actually it snows, right now. Outside my window there's about 40-50 cm of snow. Allready looking forward to the summer..

I've been working on a painting, lately. For a long time, I had this canvas which i did'nt knew what to do with.. So I decided to make my first acrylic painting, ever. What a challenge! Acrylic is a bit difficult, but very interesting. I'm going to buy some more canvas, 'cause this is fun!
Still got a lot to learn, using acryl.. But I'm trying and learning :o)

I used acrylic, goldleaf, designpaper and beads. Measures 100x100 cm


onsdag den 15. december 2010

A witch?

No, not me. (-even though SOME people would say I am.. lol)

My strange mood, these days, made me want to make a picture with a kind of creepy image.
I think she turned out okay. Just got tired of making happy faces all the time..

I used crayons, watercolor, napkins and decoupage glue. The hand look a bit awkward, but I'm always practicing hands..  It annoys me sometimes when I see people draw beautiful, very detailed faces. No offense, but still..  The hands people draw - if they even bother too- often  looks like skin-colored mitts. Practice, practice! That's the only way :o)

Well, next project is already on my mind. I have this canvas just standing in a corner. Measures 100x100 cm. I'ts about time to splatter it with some nice acrylics, buttery decoupage glue and images. Yummy <3
That'll be fun, I think.

Merry Christmas, everyone and hey - if anyone has seen a lost Christmas-mood somewhere, please send it to me. Really need it. Thank you in advance ;o)

Well, time for making supper. See ya

Sheila is ---------------------------------> outta here

onsdag den 8. december 2010

Making collages

It's still very cold, and very white outside. Chances for a white Christmas must be very high!

I found this little survivor on my patio. She is a perfect illustration of how my life has been the last couple of month's, so I really love this snapshot! But she'll make it to spring. -With a new, even more beautiful flower ;o)

Well, it wasn't roses I wanted to write about today, but crafting! (-Of course)

A couple a days ago, I found a blog and a website, which really stunned me. Sometimes you find art that is awesome, cute, beautiful - you name it. But sometimes, you discover art, that blows you away, gives you the chills and almost makes you cry in joy and respect. (-Sounds a bit weird, but I'm sure that other crafters knows exactly what I mean.. :o)
The artist who caused this emotional reaction in me, is the talented mrs. Ingrid Dijkers.
(You can go to her website here on the link below)

Her work is such great source of inspiration, her fabulous art journals and how she makes them is just fantastic..

I have so many ideas, at the moment. So many projects I want to do. But I try to keep focus on one project at a time. Collages has been on my mind for a while, and watching Ingrid's art journals, made me had a go for it! I don't want to copy her style, but as you can see, I'm quite inspired by her..

Cyndi Lauper "Time after Time"

The Verve "Bittersweet Symphony"

Unknown: "Nothing is impossible... That's what the word say: I'm Possible" and "Carpe Diem"
Maybe I'll put them together and make an art journal. Don't know yet. But it sure is fun. I love making collages.. Think I may have found my  niche :o)

lørdag den 4. december 2010

Todays craft

It's sooo cold outside.. But  Maggie and Molly don't mind. They really love all this snow; see?

Well, staying inside, is a nice excuse for making some crafty stuff.. Made these candlelightholders out of some used milkcontainers, earlier. (Recycling and re-using things for crafts, is someway often on my mind. I'm not that ecologic, just think it's fun!!)
I made a little tutorial on how to make these. The text is in Danish, though, but the pics should speak for themselves. You can watch it here